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Friday, Dec. 13, 2002 - 10:21 p.m.

Sitting here watching the candle melt, my gaze keeps being drawn to the wax. When i pick up the candle and the wax tips to the very edge my breath catches in anticipation, but i put the candle down, my eyes close and my flesh shivers with need. I cant do it though, for some reason i cannot let myself tip it, i cannot let the drops sting my flesh, the quick sting of the wax is so painful and then the stinging turns to a cold cold caress as it dries, just a soft tingle is all thats left, but the thought is left in your memory. If you close your eyes you can feel it.

The inside of your thighs, the tender hollow of your throat, the aching pinch of your nipples, god the though leaves me with an aching tickle deep inside. Yet.....

Sighs and shakes her head to free her mind of the thoughts..

Work was rather amazing today. I work with an idiot, no wait make that two idiots. I sat there looking at them wondering to myself.. why are they here. Why in gods name do they keep such fucking idiots around to work. Then i realized when i needed an errand ran, why. Gophers with a title, fucking pathetic.

Took two of my boys to court today, only returned with one. The other will be back in 90 days. They should have kept them both.

Did art therapy with them today. The lesson was on respect. I actually did the activity with them. Having to do a picture or pictures that represent respect. That was hard to do. I kept drawing back to personal respect, the respect you have for yourself and how if you have respect for yourself, the respect for others, even when its difficult will fall in line.

So we talked about so many ways to express respect, and to show respect and the different reasons you respect someone. I learned that sometimes people do not grasp the concept of respect. So i am trying to get a group going on respect and what it means to you as an indivdual.

I love the lessons that teach us all. I think they learn and appreciate it more when they see me learning right along with them.

Goodness the weather is awful. I am goin to have to break down and buy some new tires for my car. I dont feel like doing so though. But alas, i must. BLAH.

THere is an icestorm going on right now, which sucks big time, cause work tomorrow is going to suck worse due to this.

~slips off to write in her kids journal



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